Friday, May 13, 2011

May 12th Blindness

I see a blind lady walking her dog mornings on Cedar Street. Within our routines, we see and don't see each other. We know and don't know each other. Today we were in perfect harmony moving through the universe in opposite directions while a telephone pole stood still in between us obscuring my view. I realized then that in order to truly see a person one must adjust to their movement in the world. Then maybe we can know them too.

1 comment:

Petraspect said...

Where haven't you been for the past few months? Who haven't you seen? What haven't you noticed?

At Peets this morning: two of the older gentleman whose routines bring them there nearly every morning. Both are tall and lean, and while they had the appearance of being old friends, bits of conversation overheard while sharing a perch on the pew suggests that they were not. Theories proposed, beliefs compared, observations shared. Reaching toward each other with these offered slivers, they seemed to appreciate the gesture as much as those shimmery little gifts themselves.