Monday, October 11, 2010

Hiring People To Do What We Won't

Have you ever thought about capital punishment? We pay people to do the killing for us. You wouldn't inject the poison, initiate the gas, pull the trigger or tie the rope. Have you ever thought about eating dead animals? You wouldn't kill the defenseless animal with your hands now would you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

on a waaaay smaller scale altogether, this reminds of a story i heard about...o...i don't know the exact details, but a zen center somewhere down around arizona or new mexico way that had an ant infestation problemt. someone called in an exterminator to do the job because, of course, no one on the premises wanted to kill the ants. the head abbott learned of this, called off the exterminator and took on the task himself.

perhaps it's just fiction, but i love good fiction.